Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Speed Development

  • Sprinting form: Bio-mechanical studies have revealed that stride length is based on how far the hips move down a given surface with each step taken, not how big the a step is taken. In order to increase speed, an individual must develop and strengthen white fast twitch muscle fibers.
The 40 Yard dash

  • The 40 yard dash is a very important measure of an athletes mobility and ability to be competitive in the sport of football. Athletes must be very explosive in order to effectively run a great 4o yard dash. Development of fast twitch white muscle fibers is necessary to achieve maximum explosion.
Training and Drills
  • Strength Training: Power Cleans, Snatches, Clean & Jerk, Push Press, and Squats
  • Power/Explosion: Plyometrics - single leg hops over stairs, double leg hops stairs, and jump rope.
  • Sprint work: 4 x 300m, 4 x 150m, 10 x 100m, 20 x 40 yard rolling starts, 10 x 30 yard rolling starts, 20 x 10 yard starts.
40 Yard Dash Phases
  1. Explode from starting position: First three steps within five yards.
  2. Drive phase: Head down running with hips in proper position for at least 15 yards.
  3. Turn over phase: Body in upright position with a slight lean sprinting and holding onto established momentum.

by Cameron C. Turner

Copyright © 2009 Cameron C. Turner

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