Monday, July 27, 2009


After the initial burst at the start of the 40 yard dash, you must transition into Phase II, the Drive Phase. One must strengthen and train the appropriate muscle fibers to harness the momentum established by the explosive start. Listed below are exercises that will assist you.

Leg Drive Workouts

• Resistance Running – Bungee Cord sprint 4 x 20 – 50 yards
• Incline Hill Runs – 10 x 50 – 100 yards – steep hill
• Stadium Step Runs – Every step – develops hip flexor strength
• Stadium Step Runs II – Every other step – develops greater stride distance
• Bounding – 4 x 50 yards
• Walk Lunges – 4 x 20 – 50 yards

Core Work – Abdominal exercises

• Leg lifts on back hands under hips- 4 x 25 reps – increases hip flexor strength
• Standard crunches – 4 x 25 – 50 reps or to fatigue
• V-ups – 4 x 14 – 21 reps
• Reverse V-up – 4 x 25 reps – strengthens lower back
• Knee ups – 10 – 25lbs over knee – 3 x 14 reps – builds hip flexor strength

by Cameron C. Turner

Copyright © 2009 Cameron C. Turner

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