Instead of the typical ab exercise routines that we see so often with crunches, situps, leg lifts, etc... I like to give my readers better options for metabolism-boosting high intensity workouts that work their entire body while also working their abs.
I'm going to show you an example today of one of my favorite ab workouts that doesn't include any direct ab exercises at all. It's in a tri-set format (similar to a super-set but alternating between 3 exercises).
Here goes:
1a. Renegade Dumbbell Rows
1b. Front Squats with Barbell
1c. Mountain Climbers on Floor
A good rep scheme to use with this could be 3-4 sets of 8 reps for each exercise, or more sets for less reps, such as 5 sets of 5 reps of each exercise. Mountain climbers can be done for a time interval (such as 30 seconds) instead of "reps".
Renegade dumbbell rows are done starting in a pushup position with the hands on 2 dumbbells. You then row one dumbbell up while stabilizing your body with the other arm. Bring the dumbbell back to the ground and alternate the rowing arm while stabilizing with the opposite arm. This stabilizing effect during the rows creates incredible work for your entire midsection core area. Trust me... you'll feel it in the abs!
Front squats are done similar to back squats, however with the barbell in front of your body on the front of your shoulders instead of resting on the upper back as in back squats. You stabilize the barbell on your shoulders by crossing your arms and pushing your fists into the bar against your shoulders while keeping your elbows out in front of the body. This takes a little practice at first, so you will want to seek a professional trainer at your gym to help you with the form. Front squats require extreme stabilization strength from the abs due to the barbell weight being shifted to the front of the body instead of the back. Even though this is mostly a leg exercise, you'll feel this one in the abs big time!
Mountain climbers are done by starting in a pushup position and then shuffling your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in under your chest and then back out to starting position. It sort of resembles climbing a mountain but flat on the floor. If you want an advanced version, you can also shuffle your hands 8-10 inches forward and backward in addition to the leg movements. This really makes it a full body exercise and MUCH more difficult than standard mountain climbers.
After finishing each exercise, rest about 30 seconds before starting the next exercise. Rest about 1-2 minutes after completing each "tri-set" before repeating.
This will give you one of the best ab workouts you've ever had without even doing any direct ab exercises. You'll see what I mean after you try it!
If you are tired of failing to get visible six pack abs, consider losing the traditional ab exercises and bogus ab gadget machines, and find out the real fat loss for abs truth at <a target="_new" href="">Best Ab Exercises & Workouts for Abdominals</A>
If you are a busy business professional looking for good home workouts that you can do before or after work, go to <a target="_new" href="">4 Minute Home Workouts with Bodyweight or Dumbbells</A>
Tired of long boring cardio workouts? Discover a better way at <a target="_new" href="">Beyond Cardio Workouts</A>
Article Source: [] The 3 Best Ab Exercises That Are Not Direct Ab Exercises
Home of the 40 yard dash and speed tips. Learn all phases of the 40 yard dash and other speed principles.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
What is the Truth About Abs? by Editor
Truth About Abs has quickly become one of the hottest fat loss and fitness programs in the world today. It is generally focused on helping men and women lose belly fat and get flat abs, but in truth it is more than that. It is an overall fitness schedule which can help you get lean all over your body.
The creator of Truth About Abs coach Mike Geary, specifically designed the program to be a total body alteration tool, not just attempting to tone the abs, but to get your body fat percentage down to such a level that your abs will show.
the important thing which Truth About six Pack Abs preaches is to stop thinking of your belly as a separate body part from the rest of your body. Instead, you need to have a look at your body as a complete unit which cannot be broken into separate parts. This is important because you can't dump fat from merely a specific body part of your choosing. Your body consumes calories from each body part according to your genetics and so you want to concentrate on burning body fat in general and your abs and other difficulty spots will become leaner in the method.
The Truth About Abs is a complete program including detailed fitness instructions and diet rules. I have used this program myself to continue to tone my abs and burn body fat and I can say that the results are quick to come provided you take this program seriously.
realize that this program is no trick or fast fix marketed as the most recent miracle. It requires you to work on your body and to change your way of life to a healthy one. Without this, you will never get the flat abs you need. if you follow the teaching of Mike Geary, you will see results and feel them too.
The creator of Truth About Abs coach Mike Geary, specifically designed the program to be a total body alteration tool, not just attempting to tone the abs, but to get your body fat percentage down to such a level that your abs will show.
the important thing which Truth About six Pack Abs preaches is to stop thinking of your belly as a separate body part from the rest of your body. Instead, you need to have a look at your body as a complete unit which cannot be broken into separate parts. This is important because you can't dump fat from merely a specific body part of your choosing. Your body consumes calories from each body part according to your genetics and so you want to concentrate on burning body fat in general and your abs and other difficulty spots will become leaner in the method.
The Truth About Abs is a complete program including detailed fitness instructions and diet rules. I have used this program myself to continue to tone my abs and burn body fat and I can say that the results are quick to come provided you take this program seriously.
realize that this program is no trick or fast fix marketed as the most recent miracle. It requires you to work on your body and to change your way of life to a healthy one. Without this, you will never get the flat abs you need. if you follow the teaching of Mike Geary, you will see results and feel them too.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Understanding Good Carbohydrates Vs Bad Carbs and Choosing Healthy for Weight Loss By Mike Geary
There has been so much confusion about the topic of good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates in recent years... I wanted to help clear up some of that confusion for you and set you on a clearer path to lifelong fat loss success and healthier eating.
First of all, although I am not a "low carb" believer (I certainly don't think extremely low carbohydrate diets are healthy), I do believe that one of the main reasons that the vast majority of people struggle to ever lose weight is that they are over-consuming processed refined carbohydrates such as pasta, bagels, breads, cereals, rice, muffins, sodas, juices, candies, crackers, etc.
It is exceedingly hard to lose weight if you are over-consuming any of these types of refined processed carbohydrates (even if you work out extremely hard). In addition to causing big blood sugar swings and insulin surges that stimulate direct body fat storage, eating too many carbohydrates also increases your cravings and overall appetite.
Even carbohydrate sources that most people think are "healthy" really are just excess calories that do not really contain significant nutrient density... and many types of breads and cereals claim to be "whole grain" through clever marketing although in reality, the first ingredient in them is refined flour, which is just going to spike your blood sugar and create an insulin surge. After years of eating excess processed carbohydrates, it becomes harder and harder for insulin to do it's job and continue handling all of this blood sugar, and insulin resistance and eventual type 2 diabetes can occur in many people.
My opinion on this is that the majority of people struggling to lose weight would get much better results by following these types of guidelines:
1. Reduce overall grain-based foods in your diet (pasta, cereal, crackers, rice, etc) and focus more of your diet on healthy free range, grass-fed meats and eggs, raw grass-fed dairy, and a whole lot of vegetables.
2. Instead of grains for most of your carbohydrate intake, try getting most of your carbs from veggies, sweet potatoes, and a variety of berries and whole fruits (NOT fruit juices, which remove the beneficial fiber as well as other important nutrients in the fruit)
3. If you are going to get any grains at all, focus on the most nutrient dense and fibrous portions of the grain... the bran and the germ. This means that the healthiest ideas are using oat bran instead of oat meal, and using wheat germ and rice bran by adding them to your salads, yogurt, cottage cheese, soups, smoothies, etc. This way you get all of the most nutrient dense parts of the grains without all of the excess starches and calories.
4. To replace the void if you are accustomed to consuming large quantities of cereals, bread, pasta, and other carbohydrate sources... try filling that void with additional healthy fats such as avocados, guacamole, nuts, seeds, nut butters as well as healthy proteins such as grass-fed raw dairy and grass fed meats, whole free-range organic eggs, etc. Healthy fats and protein sources go a long way to satisfying your appetite, controlling proper blood sugar and hormone levels, and helping you to make real progress on weight loss for life.
With all of that said, here's one of my favorite carbohydrate sources that is high in fiber as well as contains a high density of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals... it is yams and/or sweet potatoes. Try slicing them into thin slivers and sauteeing them with a few tablespoons of water in a pan for about 5 minutes for a quicker healthy carb (instead of baking them for over an hour). Finish them off with a touch of grass-fed organic butter and some cinnamon and you've got a delicous and healthy carbohydrate side dish!
For more unique exercise and diet techniques for losing your stubborn stomach fat, go to <a target="_new" href="">Workouts & Diet Tips for Losing Belly Fat Fast</A>
Discover how to do fast and furious workouts at home by using our <a target="_new" href="">Four Minute Bodyweight & Dumbbell Home Workouts</A>
Mike Geary is the best-selling author of The Truth about Six Pack Abs, with over 100,000 readers in over 150 countries. Mike is also an avid skier and creator of one of the most comprehensive <a target="_new" href="">Skier Fitness Training Routines</A>
Article Source: [] Understanding Good Carbohydrates Vs Bad Carbs and Choosing Healthy for Weight Loss
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
5 Tricks to Eat Healthier at Restaurants By Mike Geary
Dining out is a big part of most people's lives. Maybe you have to eat out frequently because you entertain clients at restaurants. Perhaps you don't even like eating out. Regardless, if you want to keep a nice fit body, restaurant meals will give you a huge obstacle to overcome. In fact, eating out at restaurants is one of the biggest reasons why so many people fatten up while traveling.
Below, I'll give you a few very simple tricks you can use to eat healthier and stay lean even while dining out at restaurants...
The 3 most important things to avoid that are everywhere at restaurants are:
deep fried foods (anything battered that got a scorching bath of trans fats)
refined starchy foods
any sodas, juices, or other sugary foods (except whole fruits, which are great)
If you can skip these major culprits, this eliminates the major food sources that do the worst damage in our food supply - trans fats, refined vegetable oils, refined starchy carbohydrates, and processed sugars.
This means you should try to skip the table bread, skip the french fries that come with every single sandwich on every menu known to man, and reduce all of the heaping portions of pasta and rice that are often loaded on the plates as well.
Instead, try to order just meat with side vegetables, and a salad, asking for the vegetables or salad as a substitute for the typical french fries, pasta, or rice, that most restaurant meals usually come with.
Almost every restaurant I have ever been to will always allow me to substitute vegetables or a side salad for the french fries or chips that almost always come with burgers or sandwiches.
On a side note, it always amazes me how many people scrutinize me because I substitute veggies for fries by telling me that I am "not living" because I refuse to eat french fries... are you kidding me! If that's your idea of "living it up", you need to get some better hobbies!
Ironically, these are also the first people to complain that they are overweight and have "tried everything", yet can not lose weight, no matter what. I am not sure why so many people think that eating french fries equals "living it up"... hey, I am all for moderation with many things, but if there are 2 things that should be totally removed from everyone's diet because these foods are simply that dangerous... it is sodas and fries!
Take a look at the typical difference this simple substitution makes between choosing smart and doing what most people do...
Most people will eat a meal out such as this:
Burger or sandwich or burger
chips or fries
soda or other sweetened drink (and no, diet sodas are NOT healthy!)
A MUCH smarter alternative if you care about your body and health is this simple change:
Burger or Sandwich
Salad or veggies
unsweetened iced tea or water (no diet drinks -- unless you like to drink poison!)
These 2 simple substitutions save at least 400 - 900 calories every time you dine out (depending on drink refills and fries portion sizes)... AND you are cutting out the most harmful foods to your body as well by avoiding the evil trans fats and high fructose corn syrup from the fries and soft drinks.
Another side note: a little-known way to eat full portions of pasta, rice, and breads and actually get away with it without packing on the body fat is to make sure to schedule a high intensity full body resistance training workout (can be free weights or body weight training) before your scheduled meal time.
Sometimes it may be hard to fit the workout into your schedule right before the meal, but if you can, the meal can be your "post-workout meal". After a high intensity resistance training workout, your body can handle a higher amount of carbs than normal to help replenish the muscle glycogen depletion you had during the intense workout.
A typical moderate intensity cardio workout will NOT cut it for this... it must be high intensity resistance training workout to deplete enough muscle glycogen to handle restaurant portions of carbs.
I hope these dining tips help you choose smarter and healthier for a leaner body next time you eat out.
Check out these unique <a target="_new" href="">fat loss & healthy diet tips</A>
Another article you may enjoy on the topic of food is located at <a target="_new" href="">Unhealthy cooking oils</A>
Article Source: [] 5 Tricks to Eat Healthier at Restaurants
Mike Geary Brings Sexy Back Into Your Abs By David Toledo
The Truth About Six Pack Abs is an eBook and diet and weight loss program centered around removing the fat around the middle so that you can find your abs underneath the flab. It doesn't require any sit-ups or ab conditioning, just fat removal from your waistline. This program was created by Mike Geary, a certified nutrition specialist and personal trainer. While working as a personal trainer, it was evident to him that people simply did not know how to combine diet and fitness in a way that they could achieve a coveted six-pack of abs and they ended up struggling with their weight loss and fitness plans and eventually gave up.
Geary is quite well-known as a nutritionist now and writes columns regularly for "Muscle and Fitness" and "Oxygen Magazine" publications. He is now a mogul at the head of both fitness and diet industries, all thanks to his success of putting to use what he had learned about Internet marketing.
Mike Geary became a well-known name not only by his knowledge of nutrition and dieting but by the way he learned effective techniques to run a business online. In 2004, while Geary was conducting research online for some personal training articles he was writing, he ran across an advertisement about making money online as a fitness professional, becoming published online and doing this all through Internet marketing. He took a chance on the program and The Truth About Six Pack Abs was born. Since he was personal trainer with a fitness background, he began his project immediately thinking that the majority of what people wanted to know would be about how to get great abs and lose weight, plus it was a topic he had seen for a long time that people were misinformed about.
Geary conducted research and discovered that without the help of any miracle supplements and pills and zero sit-ups, a person can lose their belly bulge. He instead uses tips to boost your metabolism through a series of pre-designed meal plans using certain foods that actually boost your metabolism and there's no calorie-cutting needed. This will help eliminate the spare tire and take a person down to an ideal body fat percentage level at which abs become visible. It is a high-esteemed program because it's not considered a fad diet. It's a lifestyle changing journey.
It took a couple of years of course to build up this business for Geary because it idled for a period of time and he was starting to feel a little bit of despair. Then, all of a sudden, it boomed and Geary soon could quit his day job to focus 100 percent on maintaining his product's success. The success of search engine optimization and pay per click techniques online helped to boost his product and made it the huge success it is today.
This Truth About Abs program took two years to get jump started and has since made Geary a millionaire, an online marketing genius and recognized him as a nutrition and diet expert. His ab enhancement focused program became one of the most rapidly requested programs online.
Additional information is available on []Mike Geary at our website, You will find info on []Truth About Abs Review, at our website also.
Article Source: [] Mike Geary Brings Sexy Back Into Your Abs
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
The Top 3 Fat Burning Foods - Surprising Hidden Gems By Mike Geary
In all of my years as a professional Nutrition Specialist, I've noticed that most people are shocked to hear some of my picks for the top fat burning foods that are best for weight loss and good health.
I won't bore you with all of the typical "healthy foods" that you hear about all of the time such as fruits and veggies... everybody knows those. Instead, I'm going to show you some shockers that most people don't realize are super healthy foods for fat loss.
1. Egg Yolks - yes, that's right... full fatty egg yolks with all of their fat and cholesterol. By the way, you've been mislead about the cholesterol in egg yolks -- it actually raises your GOOD cholesterol and helps balance proper ratios, so don't be afraid of the fat and cholesterol in these little nutrition power packed gems. And if you choose cage-free eggs from free roaming hens, the omega-3 content is higher with a more balanced fat profile.
Egg yolks are also one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet in terms of vitamins, minerals, and trace nutrients. Trying to list all of the vital nutrients in egg yolks would take up an entire page so I won't even try that here. Just realize that egg yolks should NOT be avoided in favor of egg whites. Even the protein is more bioavailable when you include the yolks!
So don't be afraid to eat those delicious and healthy eggs and start burning belly fat faster.
2. Avocados - This is yet another "fatty food" that is also one of the best fat burning foods! Not only that, but avocados make just about everything creamier and more delicious. They are also power-packed with healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants, as well as vitamins and minerals. The healthy fat in avocados also helps control appetite and fat burning hormones in your body.
Try adding avocado slices or guacamole to everything from morning eggs, salads, sandwiches, and burgers, and starting burning body fat faster! I would definitely consider avocados one of the best rel=nofollow []healthy super foods.
3. Grass-fed beef - While most beef you see at the grocery store is grain fed beef from cattle that are in poor health and has lower nutrition values and omega-6 to omega-3 fat ratios that are far out of whack, there is a better option... and that is Grass-Fed Beef!
Grass-fed beef is known to have much higher levels of healthy omega-3 fatty acids and lower omega-6 fats (which most people get too much of anyway). Grass-fed beef also contains higher levels of many vitamins and minerals, as well as containing high levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is a healthy fat that is known to help muscle building and fat burning.
So don't be afraid to live it up a little and eat more beef, as long as you choose healthy grass-fed beef instead of grain fed beef. Enjoy and start burning more body fat with these so called "fatty" foods!
If you want to lose body fat faster, check out these 5 tips to <a target="_new" href="">Burn Stomach Fat</A> the smart and effective way.
Enjoy, and good luck with your fitness endeavors!
Mike Geary
Author - The Truth about Six Pack Abs
Article Source: [] The Top 3 Fat Burning Foods - Surprising Hidden Gems
3 Important Tips to Build Muscle Faster - Get Lean and Ripped By Mike Geary
Let's face it... building muscle is not the easiest thing to accomplish even despite regular hard workout schedules and trying every type of workout and supplement.
I struggled for years to gain any significant muscle mass, but over the years in my personal training business and with my own experimentation have found some important things that have helped make significant muscle gains possible even for hardgainers.
So, I'm going to give 3 important tips here so you can start building lean muscle mass faster and easier.
1. Make sure that 95% of the exercises you perform regularly in the gym are big multi-joint compound exercises. It doesn't matter if your goal is fat loss or building muscle... big multi-joint exercises should comprise 95% of the exercises you do in your workouts if you want to get lean, ripped, and powerful.
It's easiest to think of it in terms of the major movement patterns such as these (focus 95% of your workouts on these):
upper body horizontal press (bench press, pushups, dips),
upper body horizontal rows (1-arm dumbbell rows, seated cable rows, bent over barbell rows),
upper body vertical pull (lat pulldowns, pullups, chinups),
upper body vertical press (overhead dumbbell and barbell presses, barbell or kettlebell clean & presses)
lower body squatting movements (front squats, back squats, overhead squats, bodyweight squats, etc)
lower body deadlifting movements (regular deadlifts, sumo deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts)
lower body single leg movements (lunges, step-ups, jump lunges, etc)
abdominal and core exercises (these are important, but still are 2nd priority after all of the major upper body and lower body multi-joint movements... your abs and core will be worked from most major multi-joint exercises anyway)
The other 5% of your exercises can focus on single joint exercises (isolation exercises) such as bicep curls, tricep presses, calf presses, shoulder shrugs, shoulder lateral raises, pec flyes, etc, etc. However, these exercises are only accessory exercises to do after the main focus has been the multi-joint drills.
2. Train hard and intensely 3-4 days/week for 45-60 minutes per weight training workout. Keep your workouts to no longer than 60 minutes as training too much beyond this point can trigger excess catabolism. You want to stay anabolic, but you still need to train your body hard and intensely enough to trigger muscle growth.
Try a super-set style of workout program to maximize the intensity that you can train. My favorite combinations are opposing upper and lower body movement patterns that don't interfere with each other, such as squats coupled with pullups as a superset, or bench press coupled with deadlifts as a superset.
Don't underestimate the effectiveness of these types of upper/lower body supersets done with heavy weights and a high intensity. The first time in my life that I experienced significant rel=nofollow []muscle mass gains were when I started doing these types of workout combos regularly (although still mixing up my training variables).
These are mainstays of almost any effective workout program -- caloric intake can simply be adjusted whether your goal is fat burning or gaining muscle mass.
3. Eat clean with quality whole foods... REAL foods instead of highly processed over-hyped supplement powders and bars.
The quality of protein (and additional nutrition from vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants) are best assimilated by the body from real whole food such as eggs, meats, dairy (preferably raw), fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, etc. instead of from processed protein powders, chemical-laden bars, and meal replacements.
Forget about the hyped up workouts in the muscle mags that only work for pro bodybuilders or people on steroids. Forget about the over-hyped supplement "stacks" that pay the bills for almost every muscle mag... Instead, make these tips in this article part of your lifestyle, and you'll see muscle gains and a leaner, ripped body like you've never seen before!
If you want to get a lean chiseled body, check out these tips to <a target="_new" href="">Get Ripped Abs</A> the right way.
Enjoy, and good luck!
Mike Geary
Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author - The Truth about Six Pack Abs
Article Source: [] 3 Important Tips to Build Muscle Faster - Get Lean and Ripped
3 Veggies That Help to Burn Stomach Fat By Mike Geary
Specific vegetables that actually help to stimulate the burning of stomach fat? Sounds crazy right?
Well, check this out below and you'll see why it's not so far fetched.
First, one fact that you may have not realized is that there are certain chemicals in our food supply and in our environment, such as pesticides, herbicides, and petrochemicals that have an estrogenic effect inside our bodies. This problem can increase belly fat on both men and women, so pay attention.
These are called xenoestrogens, and exposure to them from these chemicals in our food supply, water supply, and the environment is one factor that can actually stimulate your body to hold onto belly fat. The problem is that in today's world, even if you eat organic and live in a relatively low-pollution area, it is almost impossible to not get at least some degree of daily exposure to xenoestrogens. They are even in household cleaners and cosmetics!
So how can you fight against these xenoestrogens so that they are not forcing your body to hold onto stomach fat?
Well, that's where these specific types of vegetables that I'm going to show you can help.
There are many classes of vegetables, teas, spices, etc that have compounds which can help to fight against the effects of xenoestrogens. However, one of the most powerful classes are cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.
These types of cruciferous vegetables contain very unique compounds (phytonutrients) such as indole-3-carbinol (I3C) that can help to combat the effects of xenoestrogens in your body, and therefore, can help you to rel=nofollow []burn abdominal fat more effectively.
As if you needed another excuse to eat more broccoli and cauliflower... Now, you can add losing stomach fat to the list!
Now here's the cool thing...
On this link, I'm going to show you my program that explains specific teas, spices, and other sources of these unique compounds that help to fight against xenoestrogens and help you to <a target="_new" href="">Burn Belly Fat</A> faster and more effectively.
Enjoy, and good luck with your fitness goals!
Mike Geary -
Certified Nutrition Specialist,
Author - The Truth about Six Pack Abs
Article Source: [] 3 Veggies That Help to Burn Stomach Fat
A Type of Trans Fat That Burns Belly Fat? By Mike Geary
As a Certified Nutrition Specialist, I usually shock people with this fact... it's true that there is a type of healthy natural trans fat that actually helps you to burn off abdominal fat.
Sounds far fetched, but it's true.
First of all, as I'm sure you've heard a million times by now, artificial trans fats in our food supply from hydrogenated oils are one of the most unhealthy foods (if you can actually call it suitable to eat) you can put in your body. Artificial trans fats cause everything from obesity to various cancers to heart disease, and more. They are pure evil, and everyone knows by now that this is a fact.
Stay away from artificial trans fats from hydrogenated oils at all costs!
However, what most people don't know is that there is a specific type of natural trans fat (yes, it occurs naturally) that can actually stimulate fat loss and lean muscle building.
This specific type of natural trans fat actually occurs in the meat and milk from ruminant animals such as cattle, goats, sheep, venison, bison, kangaroo, etc. It is called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and is not only known to help prevent cancer, but is also a potent fat burner.CLA is highest when these animals are grass-fed instead of grain-fed.
Now before you think that you can just buy the CLA supplements that you'll see most supplement stores selling...
WARNING: Do not buy CLA supplements! The only form of healthy CLA is from grass-fed ruminant animals such as grass-fed beef, bison, lamb, etc. The CLA that's found in CLA pills is an artificially created form that is a different isomer than the natural CLA isomer found in grass-fed meat or dairy. The CLA isomer in the pills is NOT a healthy form, and will not benefit you.
Only the CLA that you get naturally from grass-fed ruminant meats actually has health benefits and can help increase fat burning (particularly from stomach fat) and building lean muscle, which helps increase your metabolism.
While most trans fats (the artificial ones) will just make you unhealthy and fat, now you know that there actually is such a thing as a healthy natural trans fat that makes you burn fat instead!
If you liked this unique tip to burn belly fat with grass fed meats, I have tons more Fat Burning Tips here to give you a leaner, healthier body.
Enjoy... and good luck on your lean healthy body!
Mike Geary
Author of the best-seller: The Truth about Six Pack Abs
Article Source:
Sounds far fetched, but it's true.
First of all, as I'm sure you've heard a million times by now, artificial trans fats in our food supply from hydrogenated oils are one of the most unhealthy foods (if you can actually call it suitable to eat) you can put in your body. Artificial trans fats cause everything from obesity to various cancers to heart disease, and more. They are pure evil, and everyone knows by now that this is a fact.
Stay away from artificial trans fats from hydrogenated oils at all costs!
However, what most people don't know is that there is a specific type of natural trans fat (yes, it occurs naturally) that can actually stimulate fat loss and lean muscle building.
This specific type of natural trans fat actually occurs in the meat and milk from ruminant animals such as cattle, goats, sheep, venison, bison, kangaroo, etc. It is called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and is not only known to help prevent cancer, but is also a potent fat burner.CLA is highest when these animals are grass-fed instead of grain-fed.
Now before you think that you can just buy the CLA supplements that you'll see most supplement stores selling...
WARNING: Do not buy CLA supplements! The only form of healthy CLA is from grass-fed ruminant animals such as grass-fed beef, bison, lamb, etc. The CLA that's found in CLA pills is an artificially created form that is a different isomer than the natural CLA isomer found in grass-fed meat or dairy. The CLA isomer in the pills is NOT a healthy form, and will not benefit you.
Only the CLA that you get naturally from grass-fed ruminant meats actually has health benefits and can help increase fat burning (particularly from stomach fat) and building lean muscle, which helps increase your metabolism.
While most trans fats (the artificial ones) will just make you unhealthy and fat, now you know that there actually is such a thing as a healthy natural trans fat that makes you burn fat instead!
If you liked this unique tip to burn belly fat with grass fed meats, I have tons more Fat Burning Tips here to give you a leaner, healthier body.
Enjoy... and good luck on your lean healthy body!
Mike Geary
Author of the best-seller: The Truth about Six Pack Abs
Article Source:
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
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